Estonian e-courses "Keeleklikk" and "Keeletee"

Welcome to the most comprehensive website of online Estonian courses!

Our courses are suitable for both beginners and intermediate level language learners.

"Keeleklikk" online course targets the learners who want to achieve an A2 (beginner) language level.

The course consists of 16 chapters that include more than 200 animations, over 100 grammar videos and about 1200 exercises.


"Keeletee" online course targets the learners who want to achieve a B1 (intermediate) language level.

The course consists of 13 chapters that include authentic interviews, grammar videos, exercises and tests.

The courses are free and can be accessed by everybody wanting to improve their Estonian language ability.

Both online courses are suited for English, Ukrainian and Russian speaking learners. Also, independent learners and those learning under teacher's tutorial can use these courses. The courses are aimed at adult learners who need the Estonian language for communicationg in everyday situations.

Both courses are supported by an Estonian teacher with whom the learners can exchange messages via email.

The Keeleklikk online Estonian course received an award from the Ministry of Education and Science, and also received the European Commission's Award for Contributions to the Development of Foreign Language Teaching. In 2014 Keeleklikk was voted as the year's best language accomplishment by an expert jury and the people's votes.

Authors of the language content are Leelo Kingisepp and Marju Ilves
Author of the software programme is Hydraco OÜ

Courses has been financed by the European Social Fund and the Estonian Ministry of Education and Science.

Suggestions, comments or questions can be sent to the manager of the course by using the email address